The Happy Goat Program is a new standard that The Humble Goat prescribes to. The Humble Goat works closely with local family to produce superior quality goat milk that is used in making superior quality goat cheese. The standards we have put into place are an agreement between the milk producing family farms and The Humble Goat to make sure the health of the animals and the way they are taken care of, are Top Priority. We are so happy to have our milk producers in agreement with these standards and look forward to the opportunities these standards will open for all of us in the future. To learn more, please see the detailed standards outlined below:
The Humble Goat
“Happy Goat Program”
Standard Operating Procedures
- Animal Welfare
a) Goats shall have access to clean free choice water and feed at all times.
b) Goats determined to be lame should be kept in the closest available pasture or pen within the proximity of the milking parlor to avoid further complications.
c) Animals must have access to shelter, housing or wind breaks that will provide adequate protection from the elements during severe weather. If stored inside at all times—proper ventilation is required to reduce health issues.
d) Loose housing must have adequate bedded space for all goats to lie in a recumbent position at the same time.
e) Tie stalls and/or head stanchions may be used only while actively milking or attending to goats (i.e. veterinary procedures).
f) There is a zero tolerance policy towards the cruelty of animals. Any handler of livestock found to be abusing animals will be immediately removed as a Stickney Hill Dairy producer.
g) Animals that are sick must be treated and separated (quarantined) in an attempt to bring the animal(s) back to healthy state.
h) Any animals that are new to the herd, or have been taken off the farm and are now being reintroduced, shall be Quarantined for adequate days to help reduce disease transfer.
i) Hoof trimming shall be administered as needed to prevent lameness in the goats. - Antibiotics
a) Antibiotics can only be used in accordance with observed withdrawal schedules.
b) Documentation of antibiotic use must be recorded as to reduce the chance of misuse or overdose.
c) Stickney Hill Dairy will provide free Antibiotic testing for any treated milking goats before milk is added to the milk supply if producer requests. - Growth Promotants
a) Administration of growth hormones, including natural hormones, synthetic hormones, estrus suppressants, beta agonists, rBST or other synthetic growth promotants is prohibited. - Vegetarian Diet
a) Animal by-products-mammalian and avian by-products are never allowed to be fed to goats currently in the milking herd. Pay careful attention to purchased lick tubs, pre-mixes, overall rations, etc. to ensure animal by-products-mammalian and avian by-products are not included. By-products from cheese whey have been approved for use. - a) Keeping proper and complete records of all Health, Treatments, and movements on the farm will help to develop strong farm management practices to help have healthy animals and top quality milk for sale.
- Animal Welfare